Recents in Beach

C Programming MCQ For WBJECA ( SET - 2)


C Programming MCQ ( SET - 2)

C programming MCQ
  1. How many keyword's in C programming language ?

    1. 16
    2. 40
    3. 32
    4. 128
    Answer: C &nbsp 32
    Explantion: None

  2. Void occupy how many bytes in memory ?

    1. 0
    2. 4
    3. 1
    4. 2
    Answer: A
    Explantion: None

  3. In C , we used for input/output ?

    1. input & output
    2. scanf & printf
    3. gets & put
    4. all of above
    Answer: B
    Explantion: None.

  4. What is the range of int data type in C Programming Language ?

    1. -127 to +128
    2. -32768 to +32767
    3. 0 to 255
    4. None
    Answer: B
    Explantion: None

  5. Which type of Language is C ?

    1. Procedural oriented programming
    2. Object Oriented Programming
    3. Semi-Object oriented Programming
    4. None of thise
    Answer: A (Procedural Oriented Programming)
    Explantion: Procedural Programming can be defined as a programming model which is derived from structured programming, based upon the concept of calling procedure.

  6. Is it possible to run program without main() ?

    1. error
    2. No
    3. Yes
    4. Can't Say
    Answer: c
    Explantion: None

  7. What is the default value of local variable ?

    1. 1
    2. garbage
    3. 0
    4. Null
    Answer: B
    Explantion: None

  8. Is const better than #define ?

    1. Can't Say
    2. Yes
    3. No
    4. none of the mentioned
    Answer: B
    Explantion: None

  9. Prototype of a function means ________ ?

    1. Parameter of function
    2. Declaration of function
    3. Name of function
    4. all of above
    Answer: D
    Explantion: None

  10. 10

    Which of the following function is user defined ?

    1. main()
    2. printf()
    3. scanf()
    4. depends on the compiler
    Answer: A
    Explantion: None

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