Recents in Beach

Operating System MCQ For WBJECA ( SET - 10)


Operating System MCQ ( SET - 10)

  1. In segmentation , each address is specified by :

    1. a key and value
    2. a value and segment number
    3. a segmentnumber and offset
    4. an offset and value
    Answer: C
    Explantion: None

  2. Virtual memory is normally implemented by ____________.

    1. Buses
    2. Demand paging
    3. Virtualization
    4. none of the above
    Answer: B
    Explantion: None

  3. Swap space exists in

    1. secondary memory
    2. primary memory
    3. RAM
    4. CPU
    Answer: A
    Explantion: None.

  4. The valid - invalid bit, in this case , when valid indicates :

    1. the page is in memory
    2. the page is not in memory
    3. the page is fault
    4. the page is ont legal
    Answer: A
    Explantion: None

  5. The instruction being executed , must be in :

    1. logical memory
    2. physical memory
    3. logical address
    4. both of (A) and (B)
    Answer: B
    Explantion: None

  6. When the page fault rate is low :

    1. the effective access time increases
    2. the effective access time decreases
    3. the turnaround time increases
    4. both (A) and (B)
    Answer: B
    Explantion: None

  7. If there are 32 segments, each of size 1kb, then the logical address should have :

    1. 15 bit
    2. 16 bit
    3. 32 bit
    4. 14 bit
    Answer: A
    Explantion: None

  8. When a page fault occurs, the state of the interrupted process is :

    1. saved
    2. disrupted
    3. process
    4. invalid
    Answer: D
    Explantion: None

  9. Consider the following page reference string :
    1 2 3 4 2 1 5 6 2 1 2 3 7 6 3 2 1 2 3 6
    For LRU page replacement algorithm with frames, the number of page faults is :

    1. 14
    2. 11
    3. 10
    4. 8
    Answer: C
    Explantion: None

  10. 10

    The offset 'd' of the logical address should have :

    1. between 0 and the segment number
    2. greater than segment limit
    3. greater than segment number
    4. between 0 and the segment limit
    Answer: D
    Explantion: None

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