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C Programming MCQ For WBJECA ( SET - 9)


C Programming MCQ ( SET - 9)

C programming MCQ
  1. What is the size of struct always ?

    1. Equal to sum of Struct all data member size
    2. Equal to Struct biggest data member size
    3. Equal to Struct smallest data member size
    4. none of above
    Answer: A
    Explantion: None

  2. C language is which language subset ?

    1. java
    2. c#
    3. c++
    4. ruby
    Answer: C
    Explantion: None

  3. An unitialized pointer is called ________ ?

    1. Wild pointer
    2. Null pointer
    3. Dangling pointer
    4. void Pointer
    Answer: A
    Explantion: None.

  4. Automatic Variables are stored in ___________ ?

    1. Heap
    2. Stack
    3. int
    4. Register
    Answer: B
    Explantion: None

  5. A function can be defined inside another function ?

    1. False
    2. True
    3. may be
    4. none of above
    Answer: A
    Explantion: None

  6. Whow many type of comments are in C programming language ?

    1. two
    2. three
    3. one
    4. none of above
    Answer: A
    Explantion: None

  7. The format identifier %i is used for which datatype ?

    1. bool
    2. float
    3. double
    4. int
    Answer: D
    Explantion: None

  8. Which keyword is used to come out of a loop only for that itration ?

    1. return
    2. exit
    3. break
    4. continue
    Answer: D
    Explantion: None

  9. Result of logical expression in C programming language is ?

    1. true
    2. 0 or 1
    3. false
    4. all of above
    Answer: B
    Explantion: None

  10. 10

    C preprocessors are specified with _____________ ?

    1. ;
    2. #
    3. $
    4. *
    Answer: B
    Explantion: None

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