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C Programming MCQ For WBJECA ( SET - 15)


C Programming MCQ ( SET - 15)

C programming MCQ
  1. If the operand is multiple of 2 then one bit Right Shift operation >> is equivalent to ?

    1. Division by 2
    2. Adding 2
    3. Subtracting 2
    4. Multiplying by 2
    Answer: A
    Explantion: None

  2. Which datatype permit access to same memory locations in multiple ways ?

    1. pointer
    2. array
    3. union
    4. structure
    Answer: C
    Explantion: None

  3. Which operator is used to turn OFF a particular bit in a number ?

    1. | OR operator
    2. ~ TILDE operator
    3. & AND operator
    4. ^ Exclusive Operator
    Answer: C
    Explantion: None.

  4. what will be the result of the program ?

        return 0 ;
    1. 4>>8Garbage>>Garbage
    2. 8>>116>>1
    3. 4 8
    4. 8 116 1
    Answer: A
    Explantion: None

  5. Which operator is used to turn ON a particular bit in a number ?

    1. | OR operator
    2. ~ TILDE operator
    3. & AND operator
    4. ^ Exclusive Operator
    Answer: A
    Explantion: None

  6. What is the output of C Compiler compiling ?

    1. object code
    2. assembly code
    3. both A and B
    4. none of above
    Answer: B
    Explantion: None

  7. What is the output of the Left Shift Operator << on (0000110<<2 span="">

    1. 0000011
    2. 0001100
    3. 1100000
    4. 0011000
    Answer: D
    Explantion: None

  8. What is the Bitwise operator used to set a particular bit value to 1?

    1. ^ Exclusive OR
    2. ~ Operator
    3. | OR
    4. & AND
    Answer: C
    Explantion: None

  9. What is the first step in C program building process ?

    1. library link
    2. preprocessing
    3. compiling
    4. assembling
    Answer: B
    Explantion: None

  10. What is the output of the Left Shift Operator >> on (0000110>>1) ?

    1. 0000001
    2. 0000110
    3. 0000011
    4. 0011000
    Answer: C
    Explantion: None

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