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C Programming MCQ For WBJECA ( SET - 12)


C Programming MCQ ( SET - 12)

C programming MCQ
  1. For 16 compiler range of integer constants is ?

    1. -32768 to 32767
    2. 0 to 65365
    3. - 32767 to 32768
    4. none of above
    Answer: A
    Explantion: None

  2. What is an Identifier in c programming ?

    1. Name of Macros
    2. Name of Structure or Union
    3. Name of Function or Variable
    4. all the above
    Answer: D
    Explantion: None

  3. Identify wrong C key words below ?

    1. else, break, switch, long
    2. enum, typedef, register, case
    3. char , extern, intern, return
    4. int, char , auto, double
    Answer: C
    Explantion: None.

  4. What is length of an Identifier that is unique for Non Global Variables and Non Function Names ?

    1. 32
    2. 63
    3. 31
    4. 64
    Answer: B
    Explantion: None

  5. Range of signed char and unsigned char are ?

    1. 0 to 255 to -128 to +127
    2. -128 to +127
      0 to 255
    3. 1 to 256 to -128 to +127
    4. None of above
    Answer: B
    Explantion: None

  6. What is the default C storage Class for a variable ?

    1. auto
    2. register
    3. extern
    4. static
    Answer: A
    Explantion: None

  7. A register variable is stored in a Register . Where does a Register Present in a Computer ?

    1. DMA
    2. ROM
    3. RAM
    4. CPU
    Answer: D
    Explantion: None

  8. C is which level language ?

    1. assmbly
    2. low level
    3. low + high level
    4. high level
    Answer: D
    Explantion: None

  9. The declaration int(*p)[5]; means ?

    1. P is a pointer to a % elements integer array
    2. The same as int*p
    3. p is one dimensional array of size 5
      of pointers to integers
    Answer: A
    Explantion: None

  10. 10

    Default value of static variable ?

    1. grabage value
    2. 1
    3. 0
    4. 2
    Answer: C
    Explantion: None

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